今日は、Leica M3を持って長距離散歩へ出かけます。合わせるレンズは、いつもなら球面Summiluxの50mmと35mm。でも今日は35mmをNokon 35mm f1.2 VMII ASPHにしようかと。

iPhone 7
でも、建仁寺から銀閣寺って......自宅から建仁寺までの距離を入れても片道6kmもないぞ。今、グーグルマップを見て初めて気が付いた↓ なんだぁ、銀閣さんも十分ご近所やんか。
From Kenninji to Ginkakuji Temple
Although I looking forward to the photo walk yesterday in the neighborhood, it was rain. So today I enjoy a little bit long distance photo walk , avoiding three CS without any public transportation ( walking only ).
Today I will go Keninji to Ginkakuji temple as photo walk with fresh air in Kyoto. I will bring Leica with Summilux 50mm f1.4 pre-ASPH. The choice of 35mm is normally Summilux 35mm f1.4 pre-ASPH. But today, I select Voigthlander Nokton 35mm f1.2 ASPH II VM.

Nikon Z7II + Nikkor Z 50mm f1.2 S
Anyway, looking at Google map from Kenninji to Ginkakuji temple, it is actually not so much long distance. Including the way from my home to Keninji, the distance is still less than 6km.
So now I noticed that Ginkakuji temple is even quite our neighborhood.