Nikon Z7II、ズームレンズ、単焦点レンズ
2年前に購入したSONY α7IIIは既に売却。新品購入時の価格から数万円ダウンの結構高額で売却出来たことと、手持ちの多くのキャノンの機材を売り始め、それらを元手にしかつ給料からの投資を加えて、以下の機材を購入。
つい最近までEOS R6を購入するつもりで、実際EOS R6を予約注文したのであるが、それをキャンセルしてCanonの全システムを売却してNikonに完全移行することに決めた。
- NIKKOR Z 50mm f/1.2 S
- AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8E ED VR
- AF-S NIKKOR 14-24mm f/2.8G ED
- FTZ mount adapter
新品購入したNIKON Z7IIと中古で購入したズームレンズが到着。電池充電中。満タンになったら早速試し撮りしようと思う。

NIKKOR Z 50mm f/1.2 S は、大変な人気のようでZ7IIとほぼ同時に自宅最寄りのヨドバシカメラ京都店に注文したが、手元に届くのは来年1月か2月になりそうとのこと。
あと、近々欲しいのがライカMマウントのレンズをZ7IIに装着するためのアダプター。手持ちのLeitz Summilux 35mm (球面)、Summilux 50mm (球面)、やVoigtlander NOKON 35mm f1.2 VM II ASPHをZ7IIに装着して撮った場合の写りも楽しんでみたい。
Nikon Z7II, F mount lenses with FTZ adapter
Nikon ZII arrived at my home now. Still waiting the 1st Z mount lens. At first start to enjoy the shooting with F mount lenses by way of FTZ mount adaptor. Just before, once I ordered Canon EOS R6 and waited the arrival of the new gear. But since I couldn’t endure the longing into the old and the latest Nikkor lens series, stop the order of Canon, decided to sell all my gears of Canon and shift everything into Nikon apart from Canonet QL17 G111, Leica cameras and Hasselblad cameras.
The 1st grade NIKON student with 54 y/o
Sold out my conventional SONY α7III (bought 2 years ago). Right now continue to sell a lot of Canon’s cameras, lenses and accessories. Getting the budget from them and additional from my salary, got my 1st Nikon gears as follows;
- NIKKOR Z 50mm f/1.2 S
- AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8E ED VR
- AF-S NIKKOR 14-24mm f/2.8G ED
- FTZ mount adapter

The brand new Z7II and the two zoom lenses from the 2nd hand market already arrive at my home. Now applying the 1st battery charging. After completion, enjoy the 1st shot with my cats, Gurepi and Kuropi.
Although ordered with Z7II, the arrival of NIKKOR Z 50mm f/1.2 S might be in Jan or Feb 2021. This new lens must be quite popular with NIKON freaks.
Soon I will also purchase the adapter to connect Leica M mount lenses into Z7II. I’ve conventionally have used Leitz Summilux 35mm f1.4 (Non ASHP) and Summilux 50mm and Voigtlander Nokton 35mm f1.2 VM II ASPH. Would like to enjoy the antique and mordern range finder lenses with Z7II.
Impressive size of Z mount
Anyway, the diameter of Z mount is pretty larger than the conventional F mount. Quite impressive large size. Just amateur consideration, the large size must absorb more light into image sensor. So it initiates more and more shooting desire. Looking forward to coming the 1st shot with Z lens in Jan or Feb 2021.