

Shikawatari by Chieko Shiarishi
In last weekend, I went to Photo Gallery, Solaris, in Osaka in last weekend to prepare Video to show how perfect flattening is possible with trouser presser. The serious video shot will be done within this year. Then Solaris will up load it on Web site in Jan 21. During the preparation, I could find out photo book of Ms.Chieko Shiraishi. Her exhibition was done in this month, Dec ’21 there. Unfortunately I couldn’t go due to the preparation of moving into new house. So I was glad to find out it. Immediately purchased.
Eastern Hokkaido, Yezo deer in freezing winter.
During university period, I stayed in Hokkaido. I had also experience how Eastern Hokkaido is so cold in freezing winter season. The pictures by Ms.Chieko Shiraishi were taken in such cold season in Eastern Hokkaido. The scene with Yezo deer and bird is quite impressive. The unique feeling in mind with the photo is that they initiate the another impression of warm aspect in very much cold field. One of reasons might be soft touch tone of photo. But there are something others, although I can’t express exactly. Anyway nice pictures. Heal my mind in daily life.
In neighborhood, Kyoto and Shiga
The pictures of Ms.Chieko Shiaishi accelerate my desire that I would like to take photo in snowing field. Shiga prefecture and Northern Kyoto are snowing country.
Although I purchased snow shoe by MSR in 2018, I couldn’t enjoy photo shooting in snowing in Kyoto and Shiga due to warm winter in 2018 and 2019. Fortunately this year, it is really cold. Already snowing recently. Just before I passed through Shiga prefecture with Shinkansen Bullet train and see much snowing.

However in spite of nice snowing, in this timing, my wife and I must move from the current living place in Kyoto into new house near Kamogawa river in Kyoto. A lot of preparation is necessary. I might not get chance to go to snowing country in Dec ’20 and Jan ’21st. Hope I can get the opportunity in late Feb or beginning of Mar ’21 after moving.