Nikon Z7II購入。
これまで日本製の一眼とそのレンズはずっとキャノンできたけど、今月予約してあったCanon EOS R6 をキャンセルし、キャノンの機材を全部売却して、完全にシステムをNikonに移行することを決めた。
- Nikon
- Hasselblad
- Leica
しかし、今月ついに今持っているCanonの全機材を売却して、完全にNikonに移行する決心をした。私の気持ちの中でそのトリガーとなったのは、Cameraholics Vol.4のニコン特集だった。元々私は、赤城耕一さんのファン。10年以上前から、レンズやカメラを選ぶ際に赤城さんのカメラやレンズに関する記事や著作を度々参考にさせてもらってきている。Camraholicsを読みすすめるうち、ずっとNikonに移行したいと心の中で思い続けていた気持ちが完全に爆発!(笑)

- NIKKOR Z 50mm f/1.2 S
- AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8E ED VR
- AF-S NIKKOR 14-24mm f/2.8G ED
- FTZ mount adapter
上記の通り、NIKON最近のレンズをまず購入してみることにした。Z7IIとNIKKOR Z 50mm f/1.2 Sは既に購入したが、手元に届くには結構時間が掛りそうだ。Z7IIは今月中には来ると思う。しかし、NIKKOR Z 50mm f/1.2 Sは結構な人気なのか、コロナの影響なのか、最寄りのヨドカメ京都店で買ったが、入荷まで数カ月掛かる可能性ありとのことだった。
そういう意味では、私にとってのNIKONの大三元レンズは、全部Sラインにして、Nikonの売り上げに貢献したいところだけど予算の都合もある。まずは上記の布陣で。来年桜が咲くころには、Nikkor Z70-200mm f/2.8 VR Sを手に入れたいが、そのための軍資金の一部としてはまずはCanonの現行機材を売り切りたい。
楽しみかつ難解なのがFマウントレンズ。1959年にNIKON Fから始まったFマウント。LeicaのMマウントの歴史も長いけど、Fマウントレンズ群は日本のカメラ業界の財産とも言えるのではないだろうか。Z7IIはZマウントだから、そのままではFマウントレンズは装着出来ないけど、NIKONは純正のアダプタ(FTZアダプター)を販売していて当然購入した。しかし…….話はそう単純ではなさそうだ。FマウントといってもFTZ経由では装着出来ないものが結構ありそうな気がする。このあたりは、追々お勉強していく。そして時代遡るように色々なFマウントレンズを購入して写りの違いを楽しんでいみたい。
まずは、ニコンファンなら知らない人はいない写真家の赤山さんが、Twitterでコミュニケーションする中で勧めて下さった「ニッコールレンズの全て」(Gakken Camera Mook)を一通り読んで、Nikkorの譜系と各レンズの特徴に関する理解に努めたい。
Purchased Nikon Z7II
Have used Canon’s Digital & Analogue single lens reflex cameras since 2008. But now decided to sell out all Canon system gears at my home and shift into Nikon’s Camera and Lens.
Longing for Nikkor lenses
Started to have the strong interest into DSLR in 2007. Then bought my 1st model, Canon EOS40D in 2008. In that time, I didn’t know about the lens feature differences among various camera producers, Canon, Nikon, Olympus, Pentax, etc. Mainly referring into the comments and advices from shop clerks of camera retailers, I selected it. But after I observe various photo taken with Nikkor lenses by professional photographers, amateurs and artists, I’ve been fascinated into more clear and pure image by Nikkor.
Then I read the fine article about Nikkor lenses by Mr.Koichi Akagi who is one of the most well-known professional photographer as Nikon freak. The article led me the final decision to sell all my staff of Canon camera and lens and shift into Nikon.
What I really want?
Have enjoyed Camera and Photo since 2008. Then now, which camera I really want? They are;
- Nikon
- Hasselblad
- Leica
In case of Leica and Hasselblad, no problem. I have each only one analogue camera, Leica M3 and Hasselblad 503CX. I can enjoy to incease the items from now.
But in case of 135 single lens reflex camera, I already collected a lot of cameras and EF lenses of Canon. No so easy to shift from Canon to others. Frankly speaking, already 5 years ago, definitely would like to shift into Nikon. But the conventional belongings of canon disturb the mind.
However a magazine I bought this month triggered off the shift from Canon into Nikon. It is Cameraholics magazine Vol.4. I was strongly fascinated by article by Koichi Akagi, a well-known photographer in Japan. No longer impossible to stop my strong hopeness.
Just from this week, I started to by gears of NIKON. Here is my 1st Nikon gears;
- NIKKOR Z 50mm f/1.2 S
- AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8E ED VR
- AF-S NIKKOR 14-24mm f/2.8G ED
- FTZ mount adapter

As you can see, selected the latest model of Z mount camera and lens in Dec 2020 and F mount zoom lenses. The retailer informed that Z7II must reach me within Dec 2020. But they told that I must wait Z 50mm f/1.2 S for several months as the worst case. Maybe caused by COVID-19 issue or too much popular by many of Nikkor freaks on this new lenes.
When I see the articles related into camera industries on newspapers, the latest financial situation of Nikon is not so good. They has been slow starter on the development of mirrorless digital camera. Then COVID-19 and the replacement of camera by smartphone must affect negatively a lot. Therefore to support them, it might be the best if I select all lenses from S Line series. But I also have limited budget. Therefore at first I choose only 50mm lens from S Line and two zoom lenses of F mount from the used market.
As the next plan, would like to buy Nikkor Z70-200mm f/2.8 VR S by the end of march next year to enjoy cherry blossom shooting. But for this plan, I should sell out all of my conventional gears of Canon to get the additional budget.
Back to analogue camera period
It is very difficult for me to understand the combination of old lenses of Nikkor and adaptable analog Nikon cameras. Specially F mount lens series might be just like labyrinth to understand.
F mount lens can’t fit with Nikon Z7II. Fortunately it can be connected by way of FTZ mount adapter as OEM supply of Nikon. At first enjoy two zoom lenses of F mount with Z7II. Then maybe 4 years later, I will buy some of Nikon F series. And gradually I start to buy oil Nikon lenses.
Then finally I would like to reach Nikon S series.
Mr.Akayama, famous photographer as Nikon doctor, suggested me to get the book named “All of Nikkor Lens ” published by Gakken Camera Mook. First I should read to understand chronological features of Nikkor and the combination with Nikon cameras.