11月17日には、トラベラーズノートと台湾 啤酒 のコラボ商品がもう一つ発売になる。ビールグラスだ。 台湾 啤酒 オリジナルのビールグラスは、そのデザインが好きで以前台北の料理店に頼み込んで購入させて頂き、今も自宅でビールやノンアルコールビールを飲むときはいつもこのグラスを使っている。コラボ商品のビールグラスが加わることを楽しみにしておく。
トラベラーズファクトリー京都に行ってら、Travelers’s Timesの日本語版と英語版が置いてあったので貰ってきた。Speical issue 15に、ハービー山口さんのコメントが掲載されており、氏もトラベラーズノートをご愛用と知り、すごく嬉しくなった。また、ハービーさんの写真家としてのノートにメモをとる意味に関する記述がとても興味深かった。僕は写真家ではなく単に趣味で写真とっているのだけど、そうだよなぁと共感した。未来の自分に.......大切なことだと思う。そのことがもっと思いがこもった一枚を生み出すことになるのだろうと。
[nlink url=”https://minocame.com/travelers-factory-kyoto-open/” title=”トラベラーズファクトリー 京都” excerpt=”関西のファン待望。トラベラーズファクトリーが京都にやって来た!” img=”https://minocame.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/TFKyoto2500x500.jpg”]Even special booth appear in Taiwan
As 15th years anniversary of Travelers Note, the design office, Traveler’s Factory, Eslite and Taiwan Beer produced by Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation (TTL) arranged the collab product. They aren’t presented at Tokyo and Kyoto Shop of Traverler’s factories and but also even Eslite Xinyi Store in Taipei, Taiwan
My wife and I are “Big-Fan” of Traveler’s Note and Taiwan. Therefore we really would like to get all goods of the collab product between Traveler’s Note and Taiwan Beer. All designs are quite lovely and impressive. Our minds are already going into Taiwan again, looking at such goods.
From the next Taiwan travel, we surely bring these notes and goods. I would like to share the mind and enjoy chatting at cafe, restaurant, etc. with local people in Taiwan.
According to shop clerk, even additional collab goods appear in Nov 17th. It is beer glass. At my home, I have been using the beer glass as original design by Taiwan Beer. I was impressed by the cute design. Therefore several years ago, at a restaurant in Taipei, I asked if I purchase the beer glass. They said, “No problem”.
I’m looking forward to seeing the additional beer glass on the table at my home soon.
At Traveler’s Factory Kyoto, I found several issues of Traveler’s Times. Then in Special Issue 15, Mr.Herbie Yamaguchi, one of my very best favorite photographers, is commenting about Traveler’s Notebook. Could know how he is using the note, inspiring and relating into photo shooting. Very impressive. Although I’m merely photo & camera lover ( not photographer), I got empathy. Anyway, I’m really glad to come across the fact that Herbie-san is also Traveler’s Not e fan.