Hasselblad503CX Repair (ハッセルブラッド 修理)




Hasselblad503CX + Carlzeiss Distagon C60mm f3.5 T*

















Hasselblad503CX repair is now completed.


Special thanks to Mr.Hatsumi

 My Hasselblad has the problem on palpas ( Cracking, white migration blooming, etc). Moltprene to avoid light leakage has degradation. Fortunately I could directly contact Mr.Hatsumi, who has been very well-known Hasselblad meister for the maintenance and repair for more than 40 years with official approval from Hasseblad HQ, according to the introduction from a Camera Shop in Japan.

 The senior gentleman has never used smartphone. No E-mail address. Therefore all communication was done with telephone calling and postal.

Change all Palpas portions

 Mr.Hatsumi confirmed the condition of all palpas portions. He strongly suggested to change all. Yes, I fully agreed.


To avoid light leakage, moltprene sealing is allocated between focusing screen and focusing food. I noticed already the severe degradation two year ago. Even if nothing, as functionality of shooting, it is no problem. But, of course, the light leakage sometime disturb the correct focusing operation.

Then, moltprene parts are also located at the adjustment points of mirror. If they are collapsed, the right focusing operation is impossible.

Therefore, all moltprene parts inside of the body wrere also fully replaced.


After all, he applied full overhaul operation for my Hasselblad. Because mechanical parts also need the sensitive adjustments. Even some portions were replaced new parts.

Visit at home of Mr.Hatsumi

My Hasselblad503CX after repair come back to my hands now. Aspect of this classic camera has several scratching. But I want to say, “The inside and the structural parts are almost like Brand New.”

Hasselblad repair is completed. Looks like almost "Brand New".
Hasselblad 503CX returned to my hand

 I highly appreciate all operations by Mr.Hatsumi. To say special thanks to him, I asked him if he mind my visit to his home. Fortunately he accepted. In next week, I can directly meet this famous senior meister. This will be quite wonderful moment. I would like to enjoy Hasselblad talking with him.

Hasselblad 500C/M of a female Photo Artist

 I’m 55 years old. I really love Photo and Camera. So in this summer, I joined Photo Artist Course of a Photo Visual School, while I continue my job. Among the lectures, I was impressed by the photo of a female Photo Artist, which was taken with Hasselblad 500C/M, in 1980’s and 1990’s. To take the unique photos, she might applied some special fine tuning of the camera. Since Mr.Hatsumi has been implementing the long lasting work on Hasselblad, he might know about the camera. When I visit at his home in next week, I would like to ask if he know something about it.

Restart my usual photo shooting

Anyway, now both Hasselblad 503CX and Leica M3 are on my hand. I start to enjoy the photo shooting again as usual. Then continue the location scouting for my work as the subject in Photo School in Hokuriku Area in Japan.