Weekenders Coffeeの焙煎所は、入り口を見ただけではそこがコーヒーの焙煎所だとはすぐには気が付かない純和風の佇まい。
お店の中は、古い町家をリノベした空間に焙煎機はエスプレッソマシーンなどが配置されている。ここへは基本自分の家のDelonghi Magnifica Sで淹れるためのコーヒー豆を買いにくるのだけど、豆を買いにくるついでに、冬ならホットコーヒーを、今時期だとアイスコーヒーをオーダーして、中庭の長椅子が中庭へ出る手前にある大きな石に腰かけて一杯頂く。町家のインテリアや中庭を愛でながら頂くとなんか心が落ち着くし癒しの空間。
Weekenders Coffeeの豆は全般的に浅煎り。私がいつも購入するエスプレッソブレンドも、一般的なエスプレッソ用の豆と比べると豆の色はあまり濃くない。以前は、かなりの深煎りばかり飲んでいたが、最近はこういった深煎りの前とWeekenders Coffeeの比較的浅煎りの豆をその日の気分でブレンドしてエスプレッソを楽しんでいる。
When we look at the entrance aspect, it is not so easy to recognize it’s Coffee Shop and Roastery. Keep the genuine Japan’s traditional town house architecture.
Quite unique style. The shop has the large roastery machine, the preparation area and Espresso Machine in the renovated architecture of Kyoto town house style.
Normally I come here to buy roasted beans to enjoy nice Espresso with Delonghi MAGNIFICA S at my home. But I also order a cup of hot coffee in case of winter season or a glass of ice coffee just in case of the season right now. Then get relax in the courtyard or stone chair at the entrance of the small garden, enjoying the nice coffee.
Comparing the typical roasted beans, Weekenders Coffee tend to keep the relatively light roast of beans. Yes, depending on the favor, we can choice from the variety. In case of myself, until now I preferred the deeply roasted beans for Espresso. But recently I start the blend of beans from Espresso blend of Weekenders Coffee and deeply roasted one to realize smoky and sour taste at the same time.
In case of my wife, she prefer light roast for Cappuccino and deeply roasted beans for ice coffee with milk. So we share Espresso blend and Ethiopia beans organized by Weekenders Coffee at home.
It is my favorite coffee beans shop. Gradually I also would like to try other varieties in the nice aspect of the architecture.